About me.

This blog is an incongruous mix of things that interest me. There will be a lot of posts to do with education, some about food, and still more about shopping, my cat, my various neuroses, or anything else that takes my fancy. I am a secondary teacher of English

I like: cooking, dressing my cat up in clothes (yes, really), taking too many photographs, interior design magazines, and tea.  I am partial to cheese and deep-water aqua fit ( the two, sadly, require each other), and I enjoy rummaging in charity shops. My best friend thinks I am a tragic hipster as I ride a pink bicycle with a basket on the front. I collect tattoos and models of owls, have a burgeoning Radio 4 habit, and hate poor grammar

***Update as of October 2013 ; I have decided to make this a purely education-based blog. With that in mind I have removed all non-ejacashun posts. They're to be reinstated (at some point, in a different guise...)***


  1. Excellent article our daughter is a teacher in London

  2. Just read your Guardian editorial on teacher strike. Thank you for taking the time from your busy teaching schedule to keep the rest of us informed. Good luck to all the great teachers in England and don't let the bastards grind you down

  3. Excellent article in the Guardian. Thanks for articulating so well, what the majority of us feel.

  4. Great article in the Guardian, Laura. I started my teaching Career at Bitterne Park in 1993 and loved that school. It is a great place to work. Keep up the good work!

  5. I am a primary school teacher. I have children taken out of lessons for G and T maths, springboard maths, G and T PE, cool kids, reading support, 1 to 1 support. I often wonder what happens to these children when this suport is withdrawn or unavailable. Your article answers this question in part. Primary schools have to show how different groups are being supported, it is a tick box exercise really.

  6. I am a teacher from Germany (teaching English and German at a secondary level.
    I find the points raised in your Guardian article extremely interesting as they mirror similar problems and plans in my own country. Here the idea of permanence related pay has been brought up by politicians too, but was dropped again because of objections on the Teachers' union side.
    Nevertheless, being civil servants - and therefore not allowed to go on strikes - we are definitely better off as far as the pension scheme is concerned. Then again: the retirement age has been raised to be 67 in the future - ridiculous!!! So many teachers retire with severe cuts of their pension money at the age of 63 or 65.
    So good luck with your strike!
    Almut (61)

  7. Sorry, of course I meant PERFORMANCE!


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